
To serve as a nodal centre of research in order  to provide scientific support to the state and its people on matters related to forestry, wildlife and climate change with particular emphasis on conservation, productivity, sustainable utilization and scientific management of natural resources while  becoming a self sustaining  center of prominence and repute in the region.


To focus on various applied research programs, evaluation of implementation of various schemes, policies, and upgradation of skills of the personnel of the forest department in order to realize the vision of SFRI and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the sector.



To conduct study and research on:

  1. Conservation of forests, wildlife and ecosystem services

  2. Enhancement of productivity of natural forests ,plantations, and trees outside forests to meet the requirement of local communities and industries

  3. Efficient and sustainable utilization of biodiversity and forest resources.

  4. Climate change mitigation and adaptation.


Thrust Areas:

A. Forestry

  1. Genetic diversity assessment using molecular markers for elite identification of existing candidate plus trees of Teak (Tectona grandis) of Madhya Pradesh.

  2. Multilocational cum provenance trials of important forestry and bamboo species in different forest divisions of Madhya Pradesh.

  3. Collection and Ex–situ conservation of medicinal and aromatic plants in Gene-bank of SFRI, Jabalpur and their management.

  4. Conservation of Boabab tree (Adensonia digitata) through development and extension of it’s nursery, plantation and conservation techniques in Dhar District of Madhya Pradesh.

  5. Restoration of Botanical Garden of S.F.R.I. Jabalpur.

  6. Periodic observations in preservation plots established in different forest types of Madhya Pradesh.

  7. Periodic measurement of sample plots laid out in different forest areas of Madhya Pradesh.

  8. Study based on growth of sample plots of Teak, Sal and other species laid out in different forest areas of Madhya Pradesh.

  9. Strengthening of Market Information centres for dissemination of Market Analysis of Minor Forest Produce in different agro-climatic zones of Madhya Pradesh.

  10. Germplasm evaluation and standardization of propagation technology for production of quality planting stock of medicinally important species viz. Anogeissus latifolia & Commiphora wightii.

  11. पश्चिमी मध्यप्रदेश के मालवा का पठार कृषि-जलवायु प्रक्षेत्र (क्षेत्रीय वन वृत्त, उज्जैन) के अंतर्गत कृषक समृद्धि योजना द्वारा कृषि वानिकी के तहत निजी भूमि के रोपण एवं वर्तमान कृषि वानिकी मॉडल का अध्ययन।

  12. मध्यप्रदेश में महुआ फूल एवं अचार गुठली के उत्पादन/संग्रहण मात्रा का ऑकलन।

  13. मध्यप्रदेश के विभिन्न कृषि-जलवायु क्षेत्रों में कृषि-वानिकी मॉडल्स की सफलता एवं असफलता के कारकों का विश्लेषण।

  14. वन विभाग म.प्र. द्वारा विभिन्न योजनाओं के अंतर्गत वर्ष 2015-16 में किये गये वृक्षारोपणों का अनुश्रवण एवं मूल्यांकन।

B. Wildlife

  1. Ecology of  Indian Wolf (Canis lupus pallipes) and it’s conservation implication in Nauradehi Wildlife Division, Madhya Pradesh

  2. Network Project on Conservation of Lac Insect Genetic Resources

  3. Hand on experiment on kusmi lac cultivation in Bichhiya village  of Umaria Forest Division of Madhya Pradesh

  4. म.प्र. जल निगम मर्यादित द्वारा क्रियान्वित बैढन-2, ग्रामीण समूह, चितरंगी ब्लॉक, जिला सिंगरौली, मध्यप्रदेश के जल प्रदाय योजना के अंतर्गत वन्यप्राणियों/बायोडायवर्सिटी पर पड़ने वाले प्रभाव का अध्ययन।

  5. Maintenance of Monitoring and Evaluation Facilities and Database of Predators Prey in Madhya Pradesh.

  6. Study project on wild elephant habitat use and mitigation measures to minimize man-elephant conflict: With special reference to Sanjay-Bandhavgarh habitat linkage of central highlands landscape.


Major research contributions

The institute undertakes need-based forestry research programmes of the state and plays a dynamic role to address various forestry management problems. Some of the important research contributions during the year are mentioned below:

  1. Identification of potential pockets and selection of candidate plus trees of Achar, Beeja, Tinsa, Haldu, Dhaman and Shisham and standardization of their clonal propagation technique.

  2. Strengthening of Market Analysis centre for technical support in Marketing of Minor Forest Produce in Madhya Pradesh.

  3. Selection of species specific root trainer sizes and potting mixes to be adopted by the Forest Department nurseries of Madhya Pradesh for Ten selected tree species.

  4. अनुसंधान एवं विस्तार रोपणियों का श्रेणीकरण, मान्यता एवं लघु शोध कार्यों की अद्यतन स्थिति का आंकलन।

  5. Study on leopard (Panthera pardus L.) presence, identification of conflict zones and developing suitable mitigation measures on human-leopard interactions in the urban areas of Jabalpur and Indore, Madhya Pradesh

  6. AITE: Evaluation of Wild Animals Populations and Habitat in MP, Part I &II

  7. Population Habitat Viability Analysis (PHVA) of Hard ground Barashingha (Cervus duvauceli branderi) for introduction in Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, M.P.

  8. International Conference on “Wildlife Conservation: Emerging scenario and Way Forward”

  9. Impact Assessment of Proposed Sheopur Kalan & Badoda Towns A Group Water Supply Scheme- Parbati River Sub-project under MPUSIP on Aquatic Fauna, River Hydrology & Ecology and its Mitigation

  10. AITE-2022 Evaluation of wild Animals Population and Habitat in Madhya Pradesh (for analysis of sign survey for carnivore species and beat status of Tiger & Leopard in Madhya Pradesh)


Transfer of Technology

  1. राज्य औषधीय पादप बोर्ड, उड़ीसा से आये 15 किसानां के समूह हेतु पांच दिवसीय (दिनांक 21.02.2024 से 25.02.2024 तक) प्रशिक्षण एवं परिचयात्मक (exposure visit) दौरा-सह-प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम। 

  2. मध्य प्रदेश राज्य की जैव विविधता एवं पारिस्थितिक तंत्र सेवाओं के मूल्यांकन एवं प्रबंधन हेतु विभिन्न वनमण्डलों के प्रशिक्षकों की दो दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण-सह-कार्यशाला का आयोजन

  3. मिश्रित प्रजातियों की नर्सरी तकनीक एवं रूट ट्रेनर के संबंध में दो दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण। 

  4. Scientific method of Lac cultivation.

  5. Training cum awareness and orientation programmes regarding forestry research for the newly recruited trainee forest rangers and forest guards and students from universities. 

  6. Participation in exhibitions and fairs.


Environmental Impact Studies

  1. Environmental Impact Assessment on Flora, Fauna & Socio economic status of local communities and action to be taken to mitigate impact of Kopra Medium Project at Nauradehi Wildlife Sanctuary, Sagar District (M.P)