Extension, Training & Consultancies Cell 


This cell is executed/coordinated all the activities related to capacity building of the institute staff and various stakeholders of forestry sector, dissemination of research findings from lab to land and obtaining/awarding consultancies.

The cell is entrusted with the following responsibilities.

  1. Identification of the training/capacity building needs of the officials/ researchers/other staff of the institute and shortlisting of the institutions in India or abroad where appropriate training programmes can be organized or the resource persons who can impart the required trainings in the institute itself.

  2. Preparation of the annual calendar of trainings/exposure visits for the capacity building of the institute employees in the identified areas.

  3. Identification and prioritization of the training needs of the state forest department and other stakeholder organizations and preparation of appropriate training modules in consultation with these organizations and the resource persons.

  4. Getting appropriate project proposals for training, prepared by various research divisions of the institute and submitting them for funding to the respective funding organizations. 

  5. Facilitating the research divisions concerned in organizing the training programmes envisaged in the sanctioned training projects and coordinating with the research divisions if more than one research divisions are involved.

  6. Impact evaluation of the training programmes conducted by the institute.

  7. Organizing visits of the trainees of various forestry training organizations to the institute.

  8. Maintenance and enrichment of the institute museum-cum-interpretation centre and facilitating its visit by visitors.

  9. Compilation and publication of the Annual Research Report of the institute.

  10. Identification of proper modes of dissemination of research findings of the completed research projects and interim findings of the ongoing projects to the intended beneficiaries/stakeholders and ensuring their timely dissemination.

  11. Establishment and maintenance of a technology park for demonstration of the technologies developed by the institute.

  12. Registration and allotment of I.D.s to all the research projects and ongoing activities of various divisions.

  13. Upkeep of the records of periodical monitoring of the progress and evaluation of the research projects/ongoing activities of various divisions by the Director/Addl. Director (Research Coordinator).

  14. Facilitation in the organization/participation in seminars/workshops/ symposia/fairs/exhibitions/other events.

  15. Facilitation and coordination of activities related to award of consultancies to the institute/individual scientists and by the institute to outside resource persons.

   Institutional Staff

Name Shri S.S. Raghuvanshi,
Designation Senior Research Officer and Cell Incharge                                                                                                                   
Qualification B.Sc., M.A. (Political Science & Philosophy), M.L.I.Sc., LL.B
Experiance 26 years
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact No. 9893321962


Name Shri Neetesh Soni
Designation Forest Guard                                                                                                                      
Qualification M.Sc. (Maths)
Experiance 11 years
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact No. 9644631160



  • Publication of Annual Research Report, Annual Action Plan of the institute and training modules.
  • Organization of trainings, workshops, meetings, seminars and conferences and preparation of proceedings and action taken report.
  • Participation in ‘Kissan Mela’, 'Herbal Fairs' and public awareness events.
  • Providing logistic support of xeroxing audio visual equipments, public address system, binding of research documents.
  • Co-ordination with different research divisions and facilitation cells of the institute. 
  • Providing desired information about research services to the stakeholders.   
  • Preparation of information related to Madhya Pradesh Vananchal Sandesh, Annual Administrative Report, Annual Statistical Report and informations pertaining to extension of activities of the institute for the M.P. Forest Department.
  • Providing I.D. nos. to all research projects, compilation of information of research projects of the institute.
  • राज्य औषधीय पादप बोर्ड, उड़ीसा से आये 15 किसानो के समूह हेतु पांच दिवसीय (दिनांक 21.02.2024 से 25.02.2024 तक) प्रशिक्षण एवं परिचयात्मक (exposure visit) दौरा-सह-प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम।
  • मध्य प्रदेश राज्य की जैव विविधता एवं पारिस्थितिक तंत्र सेवाओं के मूल्यांकन एवं प्रबंधन हेतु विभिन्न वनमण्डलों के प्रशिक्षकों की दो दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण-सह-कार्यशाला का आयोजन।


  The following activities were undertaken during the year 2023-24

  1. Dissemination of Information 

  2. Organization of  Meetings

  3. Participation in Fairs

  4. Organization of Seminars/Symposiums/Workshops

  5. Organization of Trainings

  6. Trainings/Workshops/Meetings attended by officers/scientists and Research Staff of the Institute


Services rendered

  • Capacity building of the institute staff and various stakeholders of forestry sector.

  • Identification and prioritization of the training needs of the state forest department and other stakeholder organizations.

  • Preparation of appropriate training modules.

  • Dissemination of research findings from lab to land.