Research Disciplines

  1. Silviculture
  2. Soil Science
  3. Forest Protection
  4. Forest Mensuration
  5. Statistics
  6. Joint Forest Management 



Research Priorities

  1. Studies on natural regeneration of various species in different forest types and canopy densities, identification of possible causative factors for regeneration deficiency and development of suitable silvicultural management practices for inducing and assisting natural regeneration.
  2. Review of the currently practised silvicultural systems/working circles; suggesting modifications; if required; and developing model sets of management prescriptions, especially in terms of subsidiary silvicultural operations, species-wise exploitation girths, rotation period, canopy opening, thinning in congested pole crop, etc.
  3. Exploring the feasibility of laying out of annual coupes on micro-watershed basis for better soil and water conservation
  4. Identification of suitable species for resource augmentation through seed sowing/planting in gaps/low density pockets in different forest types and development of appropriate species-specific packages of practices for their maintenance.
  5. Status survey of bamboo forests; study of the impact of the working of bamboo coupes and suggesting modifications, if required.
  6. Status survey of natural rehabilitation of gregariously flowered bamboo forests suggesting appropriate management interventions, if required.
  7. Performance evaluation of R.D.F. (Rehabilitation of Degraded Forests) scheme of the forest department and developing standard package of practices for sustained rehabilitation.
  8. Performance evaluation of various species planted under regular departmental plantations and region-specific short listing of suitable species.
  9. Development of standard planting techniques and post-planting cultural operations for various RET species whose planting techniques have hitherto not been developed.
  10. Development of suitable models of inter planting/under planting of NTFP yielding species, including medicinal plants from economic and ecological considerations in commercial plantations raised by Madhya Pradesh Rajya Van Vikas Nigam.


Research Priorities

  1. Preparation of the ‘Geology & Soil Map’ of the forest areas of Madhya Pradesh.
  2. To study the interrelationship between vegetation and geology & soil.
  3. To study the impact of monoculture on physico-chemical properties of soil.
  4. Estimation of soil carbon in different forest types and development of allometric equations for soil carbon estimation.
  5. Determination of species-specific normal ranges of soil physico-chemical parameters for important forestry plantation species.
  6. Collection and testing of soil samples from plantation sites and to suggest appropriate soil amendment.


Research Priorities

  1. Comparative study of various types of fencing (barbed wire/chain link/ C.P.T./ C.P.W./Live fencing/Social fencing, etc.) in terms of cost and efficacy.
  2. Assessment of the carrying capacity of grazing in forests of different types and canopy density classes; development of new formulae for estimation of the carrying capacity based on these parameters rather than on the legal status; and suggesting amendments in the existing grazing rules and working plan prescriptions regarding grazing, if required.
  3. To study the extent and frequency of forest fires; identification of most fire-prone areas deserving special fire protection measures and study of the impact of forest fires on natural regeneration, ground flora, soil micro-organisms, wild life, fodder production, timber quality, NTFP production, etc.
  4. To study the extent and frequency of occurrence of various diseases in forest nurseries, plantations and forest areas; identification of causative organisms and suggesting suitable prophylactic and control measures, preferably cultural and/or biological control measures.
  5. To investigate into the infestation of various insect pests in forest nurseries, plantations and forest areas; and suggest suitable preventive/control measures, preferably cultural and/or biological control measures.
  6. To study the impact of climate change on pathological and entomological problems.  


Research Priorities

  1. Status survey of the existing sample/increment/linear tree increment plots; closure of the plots which have no longer remained useful for long term growth studies and ensuring adequate protection arrangements for those which need to be maintained.
  2. Establishment of new plots ensuring coverage of all major forest types/sub-types and all the important forestry tree species in natural forests as well as plantations.
  3. Establishment of plots in coppice forests for growth study of coppicing forestry species.
  4. Preparation of species-specific growth tables in terms of volume, biomass (both, above ground as well as below ground) and sequestered carbon and development of allometric equations for estimation of these parameters.
  5. To study the performance of commercial plantations raised in different regions by Madhya Pradesh Rajya Van Vikas Nigam in terms of survival and actual growth achieved and suggest modifications, if required in the existing prescriptions related to intensity and periodicity of thinnings and age of final felling for optimizing B:C ratio and I.R.R.
  6. Preparation of volume and yield tables for miscellaneous species.
  7. Development of form factors for various forestry species in forests of different types and site qualities.


Research Priorities

  1. Designing of experiments.
  2. Statistical analysis of the experimental data with the help of SPSS or other advanced statistical software.
  3. Developing designs for different types of surveys conducted for resource assessment, wild life population estimation, monitoring & evaluation of various schemes/programmes/projects, etc.
  4. Compilation of data, modelling & forecast


Research Priorities

  1. Documentation of success stories of Joint Forest Management (J.F.M.)
  2. Standardization of the format and methodology of preparation of micro-management plans for conservation, resource augmentation and sustainable harvesting in JFMC managed forest areas located in the vicinity of forests.
  3. To develop suitable management models for JFMC managed forests, including multi-tier planting for sustained/progressively increasing production of small timber, fuel-wood, fodder, and NTFPs, including medicinal plants


Major Activities 

  1. Contribution to the knowledge of silviculture of forestry species.
  2. Development and standardization of nursery and planting techniques of different forestry species.
  3. Evaluation of plantations raised by the state forest department and forest development corporation.
  4. Evaluation of the quality and impact of various development activities of the state forest department.
  5. Determination of sustainable harvesting practices of timber and bamboo species 
  6. Provision of Soil Testing Services to the SFD, FDC and other users.
  7. Growth measurement of different forest species.
  8. Preparation of volume tables, yield tables of different forest species.
  9. Statistical analysis of experimental data.

Institutional Staff

Name Dr. Pratiksha Chaturvedi
Designation Senior Research Officer and and Division In-charge

Ph.D. (Forestry), M.Sc. (Forestry), M.A. (Yoga Science)

Experiance 26 Years in the field of forestry
Email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact No. 9826145284


Name Mrs. Richa Seth
Designation Senior Research Officer 
Qualification M.Sc. (Statistics) 
Experiance 26 years
Email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact No. 9893338680


Name Vinay Kumar Kori
Designation Forest Guard
Qualification M.Sc. (Chemistry)
Experiance 15 years
Email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact No. 9907456600



Ongoing Projects

S.No. Title of the Project Name of PI Co-PI Source of funding Sanctioned Amount (Rs.) Date of Initiation Due date of completion
1 Training on concept of soil moisture conservation and its importance in forestry Dr. Pratiksha Chaturvedi   PCCF, CAMPA 41.41 lakh July 2024     June 2025
2 Study based on growth of sample plots of Teak, Sal and other species laid out in different forest areas of Madhya Pradesh. Smt. Richa Seth   SFRI, Jabalpur 2.40 lakh Oct. 2018 March 2024
  Regular Activities            
1 Analysis of Soil samples Dr. Pratiksha Chaturvedi   SFRI, Jabalpur 5.40 lakh Apr 2022  
2 Priodic measurement of sample plots laid out in different forest areas of Madhya Pradesh Smt. Richa Seth   SFRI, Jabalpur 7.77 lakh Apr 2023 March 2028


 Completed projects

Title of the Project Name of PI Objectives Funding Agency Date of Completion
वन विभाग म.प्र. द्वारा विभिन्न योजनाओं के अंतर्गत किये गये वृक्षारोपणों का अनुश्रवण एवं मूल्यांकन  Dr. Pratiksha Chaturvedi
  • वृक्षारोपणों की सफलता का आंकलन।
  • उन कारकों का विश्लेषण जिनके कारण वृक्षारोपण सफल/असफल हुआ।
  • वृक्षारोपणों का सामाजिक आर्थिक प्रभाव।
  • वृक्षारोपण का प्रभाव।
  • वृक्षारोपण क्षेत्र की बेंच मार्किंग। 
 MP. Forest Department, Bhopal June 2023
चलित मृदा परीक्षण प्रयोगशाला के माध्यम से म.प्र. के अनुसंधान एवं विस्तार केन्द्रों में मृदा परीक्षण कर मृदा में उपस्थित परीक्षण कर मृदा में उपस्थित पोषक तत्वों की जानकारी प्रदान करना Dr. Pratiksha Chaturvedi
  • मृदा परीक्षण सुविधाओं को रोपणी तक पहुँचाना एवं रोपणी मृदा में उपलब्ध पोषक तत्वों का परीक्षण करना।
  • मृदा एवं केंचुआ खाद में उपस्थित तत्वों के बारे में जानकारी मृदा स्वास्थ कार्ड के माध्यम से उपलब्ध कराना।
  • रोपणी की मृदा परीक्षण के उपरांत मृदा में उपलब्ध पोषक तत्वों के आधार पर खाद की मात्रा के बारे में सुझाव देना।
APCCF (R/E & Lok Vaniki) MP, Bhopal Apr. 2021
म.प्र. राज्य वन विकास अभिकरण द्वारा विभिन्न वन विकास अभिकरणों में वित्तीय वर्ष 2015-2016 (िद्वतीय मूल्यांकन) एवं 2016-17 (प्रथम मूल्यांकन) के वर्षा ऋतु में हुए वृक्षारोपण कार्यों का अनुश्रवण मूल्यांकन एवं प्रोजेक्ट इम्पेक्ट असिसमेंट  (पी.आई.ए.) के संबंध। Dr. Pratiksha Chaturvedi
  • Monitoring and Evaluation of FDAs.
  • Project Impact Assessment   
APCCF (GIM/FDA) M.P. Bhopal Feb. 2022
Mobile Soil Testing Van Dr. Pratiksha Chaturvedi
  • Soil Testing
CAMPA, Bhopal (M.P.) May, 2020
चलित मृदा परीक्षण प्रयोगशाला के माध्यम से म.प्र. के अनुसंधान एवं विस्तार केन्द्रों में मृदा परीक्षण कर मृदा में उपस्थित परीक्षण कर मृदा में उपस्थित पोषक तत्वों की जानकारी प्रदान करना Dr. Pratiksha Chaturvedi
  • मृदा परीक्षण सुविधाओं को रोपणी तक पहुँचाना एवं रोपणी मृदा में उपलब्ध पोषक तत्वों का परीक्षण करना।
  • मृदा एवं केंचुआ खाद में उपस्थित तत्वों के बारे में जानकारी मृदा स्वास्थ कार्ड के माध्यम से उपलब्ध कराना।
  • रोपणी की मृदा परीक्षण के उपरांत मृदा में उपलब्ध पोषक तत्वोें के आधार पर खाद की मात्रा के बारे में सुझाव देना।
APCCF (R/E & Lok Vaniki) MP, Bhopal Nov. 2019
Selection of suitable species on the basis of growth performance of established plantations and development of nursery techniques to increase green cover under Green India Mission (GIM) in western Madhya Pradesh. Dr. Pratiksha Chaturvedi
  • To study the edapho-climatic conditions.
  • To study the growth performance of established species.
  • To study co-relation between soil and established plant species.
  • To develop suitable nursery techniques of selected species.
  • To disseminate developed techniques to the field  staff and beneficiaries.
  • To prepare field manual of identified species.
CAMPA, Bhopal (M.P.) 2020
Study and Comparison of Soil Cultural Practices in existing bamboo (D. strictus) plantations Dr. Pratiksha Chaturvedi
  • To find out the effects on bamboo productivity by loosening the soil around bamboo clump.
  • To compare the present style soil working on bamboo clumps.
  • To develop protocol of bamboo working for field staff for maximum productivity of bamboo.


APCCF (R/E & Lok Vaniki) MP, Bhopal 2020
म.प्र. राज्य वन विकास अभिकरण द्वारा विभिन्न वन विकास अभिकरणों में वित्तीय वर्ष 2012-13 में प्रारंभ किये गये वनीकरण कार्यों में किये वृक्षारोपण का अनुश्रवण मूल्यांकन किये जाने के संबंध में। Raghavendra Bisen, SFS   To asses to monitoring and evaluation of FDA work. APCCF (JFM/FDA)    MP, Bhopal Feb.2016

म.प्र. राज्य वन विकास अभिकरण द्वारा विभिन्न वन विकास अभिकरणों में वित्तीय वर्ष 2010-11 में प्रारंभ किये गये वनीकरण कार्यों (2011-12 में किये वृक्षारोपण का अनुश्रवण मूल्यांकन किये जाने के संबंध में।

Shri S. K. Palash, IFS Dy.Director Silviculture

To asses to monitoring and evaluation of FDA work.

APCCF (JFM/FDA)    MP, Bhopal



Major Research Achievements

1. Biomass production capacity of Gliricidia sepium.
2. Comparison of yield and physic-Chemical Properties of oil Extracted from leaves of different eucalyptus species planted in Madhya Pradesh.
3. Comprative growth rate of seedling origin, first generation coppice and second generation coppice origin crops of Eucalyptus Hybrid.
4. Use of doses of fertilizers and potting mixtures was experimented for different forestry species.
5. Study  the best size of root trainers for raising seedlings of different forest species.
6. Yield and stand tables of teak, revision of form factors of teak and sal in different regions, study of growth of irrigated teak plantations in Madhya Pradesh and adjoining states, preparation of volume tables of Eucalyptus hybrid, preparation of provisional volume tables of Pinus caribaea for Madhya Pradesh.

Technical and Practical Applicability of the Projects in the Field

Sr. No.

Project name

Project period



Technical and practical applicability 


Preparation of  Volume Tables of Eucalyptus hybrid

1997 -1998

To prepare volume tables of Eucalyptus hybrid from data of 23 old sample plots

Volume tables of Eucalyptus hybrid were prepared.

These Volume tables of Eucalyptus hybrid are useful in calculating volume of standing trees.


Preparation of Yield and stand tables of Teak in Madhya Pradesh 

1997 -1999

To prepare  Yield and stand tables of Teak in Madhya Pradesh 

Yield and stand tables of Teak in Madhya Pradesh for Hoshangabad, Seoni, Raipur, Betul, Sagar and Indore divisions were prepared. 

These yield and stand tables of Teak in Madhya Pradesh are used for calculating the yield of the crop at different ages in different regions.


Provisional Volume tables of pinus caribaea for Madhya Pradesh  

1999 -2000

To prepare Volume tables of pinus caribaea for Madhya Pradesh  

Volume tables of pinus caribaea for Madhya Pradesh were   prepared using sample plot data raised by SFRI.  

These Volume tables of pinus caribaea for Madhya Pradesh are used in calculating volume of standing trees.  


Yield tables & comparison of crop parameters of M.P. for Eucalyptus hybrid with all India. 

1999 -2000

To prepare Yield tables & comparison of crop parameters of M.P. for Eucalyptus hybrid with all India crop parameters.

 Yield tables & comparison of crop parameters of M.P. for Eucalyptus hybrid with all India crop parameters were completed.

These Yield tables & comparison of crop parameters of M.P. for Eucalyptus hybrid with all India crop parameters are used in calculating the yield of the crop at different ages.


Study of growth of irrigated teak plantations in Madhya Pradesh and adjoining States.

2000 -2002

Evaluation of nursery & plantation technique of different agro climatic zone of M.P. on the study basis of edaphic factor and environmental factor on irrigated plantation growth.  

Study of growth of irrigated teak plantations in Madhya Pradesh and adjoining states for six hi-tech plantations including Chhindwara, Seoni (Barghat), Betul, Chhindwara (Silwani), Bilaspur (Neora) and sagar (Sanga) was done.  

Standardization of plantation technique based on results of different agro climatic plantations and different treatments of nursery techniques.    


Revision of form factors of teak in different regions of Madhya Pradesh 

Oct. 2004-Sep.2005

To prepare girth wise local volume tables of teak in different regions for different site qualities.

Volume tables for teak  were prepared for 13 divisions namely Dewas, Harda, Hoshangabad, Narsinghpur, Raisen, Sehore, Vidisha, Khandwa and South Narmada, Seoni, Betul, Chhindwara, Mandla and North Sagar.

These Volume tables are used for estimating accurate production from the coupes and also used for preparing upset price.


Revision of form factor of Teak and Sal in different divisions of Madhya Pradesh

July 2007- March 2009

To prepare girth wise local volume tables of teak and sal in different regions for different site qualities.

Out turn tables of volume were prepared for 16 forest divisions (9 for teak and 7 for sal)  of Madhya Pradesh, Namely 
Sal - East Mandla, Anooppur, South Shahdol, Dindori, North Balaghat, East Sidhi and  North Shahdol
Teak- Katni, South Panna, South Sagar, Umaria, Noth Panna, Jabalpur, Chhatarpur, West Sidhi and North Balaghat

These Volume tables are used for estimating accurate production from the coupes and also used for preparing upset price.


Preparation of growth tables for coppice origin plants of important miscellaneous species in Madhya Pradesh.

March 09-June 13

To prepare coppice growth tables of plants of coppice origin of various important species in different regions of Madhya Pradesh.

The growth tables of coppice origin plants of important miscellaneous tree species for  three  forest types of Madhya Pradesh i.e. Teak forest, Sal forest and Miscellaneous  forests were prepared.

For micro-planning of RDF areas and estimation of intermediate and final yields, it is essential to have knowledge of growth trends of the coppice origin plants of economically important miscellaneous tree species also, which is currently lacking. The study aimed to conduct growth studies of coppice origin plants by laying out sample plots in RDF areas worked during last few years in different forest types i.e. Sal, teak and miscellaneous.


Revised form factor tables for important miscellaneous timber tree species of Madhya Pradesh.

Oct 2011 – March 2016

Preparation of volume tables of miscellaneous timber species found in Madhya Pradesh.

Volume tables for Balaghat Circle and Betul, Sehore, Raisen, West Chhindwara, Dewas, Harda, Mandla, Dindori and  Seoni divisions were prepared.

These Volume tables are used for estimating accurate production from the coupes and also used for preparing upset price.

 Services Rendered

  • Silvicultural operations and nursery management

  • Soil testing.

  • Preparation of the volume tables, yield tables and analysis of data for different site qualities and forest areas.

  • Trainings in soil sample analysis and capacity building & skill development of members of JFMCs and field foresters.