Research Disciplines

  1. Plant Propagation
  2. Seed Technology & Certification



Research Priorities

  1. Studies on biology, physiology and biochemistry of forestry seeds.
  2. Studies on the diseases and insect pests of forestry seeds and evolution of their prophylactic and control measures.
  3. Preparation of a field manual for handling of forestry seeds containing species-specific information on proper collection time, collection method, seed weight, dormancy, viability period, germination percent, pre-sowing treatments, safe storage techniques, etc.
  4. Maintenance of the existing and establishment of new quality seed stands.
  5. Conversion of seed stands into seed production areas.
  6. Maintenance of the existing and establishment of new seed orchards.
  7. Development of suitable techniques for enhancement of productivity of seed production areas and seed orchards.
  8. Collection of seeds from identified seed stands, seed production areas and seed orchards.
  9. Development of suitable seed storage techniques for various species.
  10. Seed certification and distribution of certified seeds.



Research Priorities

  1. Development of economically viable, eco-friendly and easy to handle alternatives to polythene bags for keeping plants in nursery.
  2. Standardization of species-specific pot sizes and potting mixtures.
  3. Evolution/standardization of cost effective nursery techniques for RET forestry species.
  4. To test the efficacy of various bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides at nursery stage.
  5. Evolution/standardization of macro-propagation protocols for forestry species which can be vegetatively propagated and whose propagation from seeds is difficult due to scarce seed availability, poor germination percent or recalcitrant nature of seeds.
  6. Development of species-specific and purpose-specific standards of quality planting material.
  7. Maintenance of the institute nursery for demand driven production of quality planting material and its sale.
  8. Development of suitable designs of crates for economical, safe and convenient transportation of plating material from nurseries to planting sites.
  9. Development of protocols for production of plating material of forestry species through hydroponics. 


        In Forest Productivity division Seed Testing-cum-Certification Laboratory  is functioning since 1981. The seed testing and certification work has been done with ISTA standards. Under seed testing certification programme, seeds have been certified for various parameters viz; purity, moisture content, viability, germination potential, oil, protein, vitamins, fiber and other test as per requirement.

        Besides this, the division conducting various research project related to scientific harvesting of quality fruits and seeds enhancing the production of seeds and developing a package seed technology and nursery techniques of various forestry species. Under this activity, the seed technology developed about 25 species with reference to collection of superior germplasm, identification of best germplasm, quality seed collection, appropriate harvesting period of seeds, seed processing, enhance the productivity of seeds, seed longevity and germination potential, production of quality planting stock.


Institutional Staff

Name Dr. Archana Sharma                                                                                                  
Designation Scientist 'E' and Division Head                                                     
Qualification M.Sc. (Botany) ; Ph.D. (Seed Science)
Experiance 26 years (since 1997)
Email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact No. 9685617272                                                                                    

Dr. Archana Sharma is working as Scientist 'E' and  Head of Forest Productivity Division in M.P. State Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur. She was awarded Ph.D. in Seed Science in 1993 from Dr. H.S. Gaur University, Sagar. She has to here credit more than 80 research paper published in both National and International journals, two books, three bulletins and fifteen brochures. She has more than 25 years of research experience in seed technology. She completed more than 30 externally funded research projects in the capacity of Principal Investigator. She has organized a number of trainings and workshops at International, National and State levels.


Name Dr. Sachin Dixit                                                                                              
Designation Senior Research Officer                                          
Qualification M.Sc. (Forestry), Ph.D. (Forestry)
Experiance 26 years
Email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact No. 9826319273                                                                      


Name Anand Prakash Agrawal                                                                                           
Designation Field Assistant                                        
Qualification BA
Experiance 33 years (Since 1991)
Email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact No. 9424958773                                                             



On-going projects


Title of the Project

Name of PI

Co- PI

Source of funding

Sanctioned Amount 
(Rs. in Lakh)

Date of

Due Date of completion


Germplasm evaluation and standardization of propagation technology for production of quality planting stock of medicinally important species viz. Anogeissus latifolia & Commiphora wightii. Dr. Archana Sharma    PCCF (R/ E and Lok Vaniki), Bhopal

39.02 lakhs

Jan. 2020

March 2024


Regular Activities


Seed, collection, testing & certification

Dr. Archana Sharma   SFRI Jabalpur      


Completed projects

Title of the project

Name of PI



Year of completion

Selection of species specific root trainer sizes and potting mixes to be adopted by the Forest Department nurseries of Madhya Pradesh for ten selected tree specie Dr. Archana Sharma 
  • To standardize the potting mixture of targeted species for better growth and survival of plants.
  • To standardize the root trainer cell size for optimum growth of targeted species.
  • To standardize the planting period of seedlings under root trainer cell size for plantation programme.
  • To standardize spacing of seedlings in root trainers for better growth and survival of plants
PCCF (R/E & Lok Vaniki), M.P. Bhopal 2024 
मिश्रित प्रजातियों की नर्सरी तकनीक एवं रूट ट्रेनर के संबंध में दो दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण Dr. Archana Sharm
  • क्षेत्रीय अमले को मिश्रित प्रजातियों के उच्च गुणवत्ता के पौध तैयारी के संबंध में वैज्ञानिक तकनीक से अवगत कराना।
  • रूट ट्रेनर में पौध तैयारी एवं नर्सरी प्रबंधन। 
  • रूट ट्रेनर में तैयार पौधों की जड़ों के विकास एवं गुणवत्ता के बारे में प्रशिक्षण एवं प्रदर्शन द्वारा अवगत कराना। 
  • रूट ट्रेनर में तैयार पौधों के परिवहन एवं रोपण से संबंधित जानकारी प्रदाय करना।
  • रोपणी में लगने वाले कीट एवं रोगों से बचाव के संबंध में जानकारी प्रदाय करना।
  • गुणवत्तायुक्त केंचुआ खाद तैयार कर रोपणी में उपयोग।
Madhya Pradesh Van Vikas Nigam, MP Bhopal Aug. 2023
अनुसंधान एवं विस्तार रोपणियों का श्रेणीकरण, मान्यता एवं लघु शोध कार्यों की अद्यतन स्थिति का आंकलन। Dr. Archana Sharma
  • विभागीय स्तर पर रोपणियों के विविध कार्यों का सतत मूल्यांकन।
  • उच्च गुणवत्ता के पौधे तैयारी हेतु रोपणी में स्थित प्रमुख संरचनाओं की स्थिति एवं उपयोग।
PCCF (R/E and Lok Vaniki), M.P. Bhopal June 2023
Dissemination of knowledge through training programme for sustainable management and quality fruit collection of Chironji to stakeholders. Dr. Archana Sharma To disseminate the knowledge of package of practices comprising of scientific harvesting of fruits of Chironji for quality fruit collection and sustainable management of the species. PCCF (R/E, Lok Vaniki), M.P. Bhopal June 2022
Training and demonstration programme on establishment and best management of Seed Production Areas, Seed Technology and Nursery Management for Field Foresters. Dr. Archana Sharma
  • Criteria for selection of Seed stands.
  • Establishment and Best management of seed production areas.
  • To provide basic knowledge on Seed Technology and Nursery Management.
PCCF (R/E, Lok Vaniki), M.P. Bhopal June 2022
रोपणी में रूट ट्रेनर में पौध तैयारी, पौधों में होने वाली बीमारियों का निदान एवं रोपणी प्रबंधन पर प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम। Dr. Archana Sharma
  • रूट ट्रेनर में उच्च गुणवत्ता के पौध तैयारी करना।
  • रोपणी में तैयार पौधों में होने वाली बीमारीयों का निदान।
  • नर्सरी प्रबंधन।
PCCF (R/E, Lok Vaniki), M.P. Bhopal March, 2022
Standardization of seed and nursery techniques for production of quality planting stock of important indigenous species Dr. Archana Sharma
  • To standardize seed techniques for enhancing seed germination and seed longevity of seeds for production of quality seedlings
  • To standardize nursery technique through advance and systematic scientific methods for raising quality seedlings of targeted species.
  • To compare the effect of Vermicompost, FYM (Farm Yard Manure), neem cake and other bio-fertilizers on plant growth, survival and biomass production of targeted species.
  • To standardize the poly pot size/root trainers for better seedling growth and highest survival percentage.
  • Find out colour of poly-pot for better growth and survival of seedlings.
  • To prepare a technical brochure of developed techniques to raise the quality plants of targeted species.
  • Extension of the developed technique through published brochure.
PCCF (R/E, Lok Vaniki), M.P. Bhopal June, 2019
Production of quality planting stock of important RET and wild medicinal tree species through application of advanced technology. Dr. Archana Sharma
  • To promote plantation of rare endangered threatened and wild medicinal tree species for future plantation programme.
  • To enhance the growth and survival rates in the plantation by using quality planting stock.
SFRI, Jabalpur June, 2019
Cultivation and production of plants of wild medicinal tree specie Dr. Archana Sharma
  • To promote plantation of rare endangered threatened and wild medicinal tree species for future plantation programme.
  • To enhance the growth and survival rates in the plantation by using quality planting stock.
RCFC, Central Region, SFRI, Jabalpur July, 2019
Training & Demonstration programme on Seed Technology, Seed Production Areas and Nursery Management of Field Foresters; under "Knowledge upgradation and skill development of field foresters, forest dependent       communities and resource person through lab to land training modules Dr. Archana Sharma       
Documentation of developed Seed Technology, Nursery and Planting Techniques of Important Forestry tree Species particularly of Economic, MFP and Medicinal Value Dr. Archana Sharma 

To prepare a field guide related to seed technology, nursery and planting techniques of various forestry species particularly of economic, MFP and medicinal value

SFRI, Jabalpur Oct, 2016
Documentation and development of packages of seed and nursery techniques for some important indigenous species Dr. Archana Sharma 
  • To standardize seed and nursery techniques of targeted species to raise quality seedlings.
  • To prepare field manual to raise the plants of target species.
  • Production of thousand plants of each species to rectify the protocol for seed and nursery techniques.
APCCF (R/E and Lok Vaniki) Bhopal Jan, 2016
Training and Demonstration Programme on seed technology and management of seed production areas for field foresters Dr. Archana Sharma 

The objective of this training course was to provide a basic understanding of the following topics:

  1. Seed stand
  2. Establishment of Seed Production Area (SPA).
  3. Seed collection
  4. Knowledge of seed maturity
  5. Seed extraction and cleaning
  6. Insect and disease problem
  7. Seed storage
  8. Method of seed lot sampling
  9. Test for moisture, purity, weight, germination and vigor
  10. Rapid seed viability estimate
  11. Seed certification
  12. Pre sowing treatments
  13. Seed dormancy
  14. Basics for nursery
APCCF  (R/ E & Lok Vaniki) Bhopal August, 2015
Effect of Vermicompost and Neem cake on plant growth of some forestry species. Dr. Archana Sharma 
  • To compare the effect of Vermicompost, FYM (farm yard manure) and Neem cake on plant growth and biomass production of Aonla, Khamer, and Teak seedlings and also to determine the optimum doses of these fertilizers and Neem cake.
APCCF (R/E & Lok Vaniki) Bhopal

April, 2015

Effect of Various Pretreatment on Seed Germination of Fresh and Stored Seeds of Tectona grandis (Teak) Dr. Archana Sharma 
  • Find out an appropriate seed collection period for better germination.
  • Find out an appropriate time of sowing for better seed germination.
  • Find out the best sowing media for quick and higher germination.
  • Find out the best pretreatment technique to hasten for hastening seed germination of teak seeds.
  • Preparation of field manual.
APCCF (R/E and Lok Vaniki) Bhopal

February, 2015

Strengthening of Infrastructure of Collection, Testing, Certification and Storage of Forestry Seeds Dr. Archana Sharma 
  • To improved the capability of the institute for collection, testing, certification and storage of seeds.
APCCF (R/E and Lok Vaniki) Bhopal

March, 2015


Major Research Achievements

  • Technology developed for Rauvolfia serpentina (Sarpgandha), Withania somnifera (Aswagandha), Andrographic panniculata (L.), Dunal (Kalmegh), Anogeissus pendula, Anogeissus latifolia, Lagerstroemia parviflora, Cleistanthus collinus, Schleichera oleosa, Buchnania lanzan, Schleichera oleosa, Madhuca latifolia, Dendrocalamus strictus, Gmelina arborea, Sterculia urens, Pterocarpus marsupium, Emblica officinalis, Acacia catechu, Holoptelia integrefolia, Semicarpus ancardium, Careya arborea, Mitragyna parviflora, Bauhunia vahalli, etc. with reference to enhance the seed germination and seed longevity period.
  • Standardized the doses of biofertilizers and chemical fertilizers for increasing the productivity of Teak fruits. The findings are of scientific importance for enhancing the fruit productivity and beneficial for plantation programme.
  • Evaluate best germplasm of Aonla, Chironji, Mahua and Kusum through adopting scientific technology in reference to seed quality for improvement of future plantation programme.
  • The seed germination of teak seeds enhanced by putting scientific inputs. The findings are highly significant for quick and better germination and seedling growth against the traditional methods used by the department.
  • The technology developed to enhancement the productivity of flowers and fruit of Mahua and has been extended at field level.
  • Execution of consultancy services viz; seed testing, certification and seed selling through out the period for private users, NGOs and Forest Department. It is useful for tree improvement and future plantation programme of the user groups.
  • One Bulletin, 14 brochures and 03 books published.
  • 20 projects completed and reports submitted to concerning funding agencies.
  • Course/training material developed and imparted training to researchers, foresters regarding advancement of seed technology and management of seed production areas and nursery techniques. The course material distributed to trainees came from different corners of the MP.
  • Extension of developed technologies through delivered the lecture on "Seed collection, processing, storage, pretreatment and nursery management" to nursery managers and field foresters.
  • 05 PG Dissertation work completed as supervisor of RDVV, Jabalpur and APS University, Rewa student.
  • Disseminate scientific knowledge pertaining to seed technology / nursery techniques/ quality seed production to both Govt. and private users for the advancement of forestry sector in the state.
  • Provide technical know - how of nursery techniques of forestry seeds to different user groups particularly seed purchasers.


Services rendered

  • Seed collection and disposal.

  • Seed testing and certification.

  • To impart training on seed technology and nursery management to field foresters.

  • To impart training on sustainable management and quality fruit collection of important NTFPs to stakeholders.

  • Provide technical know–how of seed and nursery techniques of forestry seeds to different user groups.

  • Extension of research activities of the division to user groups and field foresters of the department at the time of visit in the institute.