Research Disciplines

  1. Forest  Genetics and Tree Improvement 
  2. Biotechnology



Research Priorities

  1. Provenance and progeny trials.
  2. Field verification of already identified ‘candidate plus trees’ and conservation of eligible ones to ‘plus trees’ after their genetic evaluation.
  3. Selection of new candidate plus trees of economically important tree species having desired traits, such as faster growth, better form, drought resistance, disease resistance, insect resistance, NTFP production, etc on the basis of intra-specific genetic variabilityy


Research Priorities

  1. Molecular maker based genetic diversity assessment of candidate plus trees of teak for converting them into plus trees.


Institutional Staff

Name Dr. S.K. Tiwari
Designation Scientist-E and Division Head
Qualification M.Sc. (Botany); M. Phil. (Micology); Ph.D. (Life Science Plant Tissue Culture)
Experiance     35 years
Email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mob. No. 917566372511



Name Dr. Avdesh Sharma
Designation Senior Research Officer
Qualification M.Sc. (Forestry) and PhD (Forestry)
Experiance     27 years
Email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mob. No. 9131026947



Ongoing projects

Title of the project

Name of PI


Source of funding

Sanctioned amount (Rs)

Date of initiation

Due Date of completion

Genetic diversity assessment using molecular markers for elite identification of existing candidate tree plus of Teak (Tectona grandis) of Madhya Pradesh.

Dr. S.K. Tiwari Dr. A.K. Sharma PCCF (R/E and Lok Vaniki) MP Bhopal 27.60 lakhs  March 2022  Feb. 2024

Multilocational cum provenance trials of important forestry and bamboo species in different forest divisions of Madhya Pradesh

Dr. S.K. Tiwari

Dr. A.K. Sharma

PCCF (R/E and Lok Vaniki) MP Bhopal

31.83  lakhs

Dec. 2022

Nov. 2026

Regular  Activities







Maintenance and enrichment of Bamboosetum.

Dr. S.K. Tiwari

Dr. A.K. Sharma

SFRI, Jabalpur

1.00 lakh

Apr 2023


Provenance trial of Litsea (Litsea glutinosa).

Dr. S.K. Tiwari

Dr. A.K. Sharma

SFRI, Jabalpur

0.50 lakh

Apr 2023


Maintenance of clonal germplasm of Madhuca latifolia (Mahua).

Dr. S.K. Tiwari

Dr. A.K. Sharma

SFRI, Jabalpur

0.50 lakh

Apr 2023



Completed projects

Title of the project Name of PI Objectives Funding Agency Year of completion

Identification of potential pockets and selection of candidate plus trees of Achar, Beeja, Tinsa, Haldu, Dhaman and Shisham and standardization of their clonal propagation technique.

Dr. S.K. Tiwari
  • To identify potentially rich areas of designated species from different agro climate zones of Madhya Pradesh.
  • To select the candidate plus trees of designated species on the basis of their phenotypic traits.
  • To standardize their clonal propagation technique.
  • To prepare technical bulletin as an extension series of evolved technologies.
PCCF (R/E and Lok Vaniki) MP Bhopal June 2023

Use of excavated soil for enhancing natural regeneration and plantation activities of Greenko Energy Pvt. Ltd., Rampura forest range, Neemuch district of M.P.

Dr. S.K. Tiwari
  • To improve impacted site through natural regeneration and plantation activities.
PCCF (Land Management),  Bhopal July 2022

Monitoring and evaluation of tissue culture grown plants of Dendrocalamus asper in different forest divisions of Madhya Pradesh

  • To collect the growth performance data of tissue culture grown plants of D. asper.
Mission Director, M.P. State Bamboo Mission, Bhopal   April, 2021

Forensic DNA profiling and timber tracing for origin of wood with special reference to Tectona grandis (Teak) and Pterocarpus marsupium (Beeja).

Dr. S.K. Tiwari   
  1. To establish qualitative DNA extraction protocol from hard and sap wood.
  2. To identify informative DNA markers for species identification.
  3. To identify proper mechanism for controlling illegal felling by establishing forensic DNA profiling and timber tracing for origin of wood.
  4. To demonstrate DNA fingerprinting technique of Teak logs and their stumps.
APCCF (R/E and Lok Vaniki), MP. Bhopal June, 2020
Maintenance and enrichment of SFRI Bamboosetum         Dr. S.K. Tiwari
  1. To maintain and introduce new bamboo species in existed Bamboosetum of SFRI.
  2. To exhibit information of each species on bamboo.
  3. To prepare a technical bulletin with documentation of Bamboo species.
Mission Director, M.P. State Bamboo Mission, Bhopal. June, 2020
Genetic diversity assessment using molecular characterization, chemoprofiling, standardization of micropropagation and cryopreservation protocol of four RET species. (Berberis aristata, Swertia angustifolia, Embelia tsjeriam-cottam, Saraca asoka) Dr. S.K. Tiwari

1. To collect wild germplasm of targeted species.

2. To standardize the chemoprofiling technique using HPLC for the quantitative determination of active alkaloid.

3. To assess the genetic diversity through molecular markers for the identification of genetically diversified populations and genotypes.

4. To multiply chemically rich and genetically diversified population /genotypes for the production of elite planting material.

5. To develop appropriate cryopreservation technique for long term conservation of elite planting material.

6. To prepare the technical manual for the extension of evolve technologies.

NMPB, New Delhi June 2019
Quantitative determination of bio-active compounds of highly threatened medicinal plant species (Butea superba, Corallocarpus epigeous Alectra chitrakutensis) through chemoprofiling and standardization of propagation techniques using biotechnological interventions for their conservation. Dr. S.K. Tiwari

1. Collection of germplasm of medicinal plants of 3 categories of viz. critically endangered, endangered and near threat from different forest areas of M.P.

2. Standardization of   HPLC techniques through chemical profiling (chemoprofiling) for quantitative determination, estimation of bioactive compound (alkaloid) and to constitute a chemical fingerprint library.

3. Multiplication of identified germplasm by standardizing micro and macro propagation protocol in order to produce approximately 200 plants of each species.  

4. Standardization of cryopreservation protocol for long term conservation of targeted species.

5. Obtain the patenting for international recognition.

6. Preparation of technical manual for the technology studies on the targeted species.


APCCF (R/E and Lok Vaniki), MP. Bhopal. May 2019
Monitoring and evaluation of tissue culture grown plants of Dendrocalamus asper  in different forest divisions of Madhya Pradesh Dr. S.K. Tiwari
  • To collect the growth performance data of tissue culture grown plants of Dendrocalamus asper.
Mission Director, M.P. State Bamboo Mission, Bhopal. Nov. 2019
Production of Dendrocalamus asper through tissue culture technique Dr. S.K. Tiwari   Mission Director, M.P. State Bamboo Mission, Bhopal. 2019


Major Research Achievements

  • Selection and identification of plus trees of Teak and other tree species
  • Establishment and maintenance of CSO (Teak)
  • Provenance Trials and their maintenance
  • Establishment of Seed Production Area of teak
  • Standardize of macro & micro propagation protocols.
  • Standardize chemoprofiling techniques for quantitative determination of bioactive compounds of 14 commercially viable medicinal plant species.
  • Standardize cryopreservation protocol for long term conservation of rare, endangered and threatened species.
  • Chemoprofiling of important medicinal plant through HPLC Method.
  • Wood forensic study using molecular marker for the identification of origin of wood.
  • Wild life forensic study using molecular marker for the identification of wild life animals.
  • Provided trainings and dissertation courses for under graduate, post graduate and M. Phil students in the field of plant biotechnology and plant tissue culture



  • To impart training on genetics and tree improvement programme for front line field foresters.